Thursday, April 05, 2007

The Happiest Dads

...are, apparently, stay-at-home dads. The University of Texas just released a new study of dads who take care of kids, summarized in a most amusing manner by Mike Adamick over at Strollerderby. Well worth a read. Key finding: the less stereotypically masculine you are, the happier you are as a stay-at-home parent. Yes, at left you see my son in a skirt...


  1. hmm, why am I not surprised by this finding?

  2. Anonymous9:31 PM

    That is one awesome skirt! And thanks for the kind link. And sixth and lastly, congrats on the book! Can't wait for it!

  3. What a great picture! And thanks the word on this study. I'd be curious about a larger survey of Dads, happiness, and masculinity, regardless of SAHD status (or perhaps in comparison). I'm a soon to be father who will not be fully stay-at-home, and do not characterize myself as hypermasculine (or masculine at all).

  4. Hi Marc! I checked out your blogs and plan to add Feminist Dad to my blogroll. I'll be in Chicago next week for the 10th anniversary conference of the Council of Contemporary Families at U of Chicago. Let's get a beer! J
